MySQL 转换函数cast 和convert,升序和降序
2021-03-31 16:51:21
Cast 函数和Convert 函数简单功能描述:用来获取一个类型的值,并产生另一个类型的值。
CAST(value as type) = CAST(xxx AS 类型)
CONVERT(value, type) = CONVERT(xxx,类型)
Cast 函数转换类型限制(可以转换类型表格如下):
数据类型 | 备注说明 |
BINARY | 二进制 |
CHAR | 字符类型 |
DATE | 日期 |
TIME | 时间 |
DATETIME | 日期时间 |
DECIMAL | 浮点数 |
SIGNED | 整数 |
UNSIGNED | 无符号整数 |
MyBaties 3 使用Cast 函数,判断流水号是否在指定的范围内:
<if test="boxIdBegin != null and boxIdBegin !=''">
<if test="boxIdEnd == null or boxIdEnd ==''">
and cast(ucas_box_info.box_id as signed) >= cast(#{boxIdBegin} as signed)
<if test="boxIdBegin == null or boxIdBegin ==''">
<if test="boxIdEnd != null and boxIdEnd !=''">
and cast(ucas_box_info.box_id as signed) <= cast(#{boxIdEnd} as signed)
<if test="boxIdBegin != null and boxIdBegin !=''">
<if test="boxIdEnd != null and boxIdEnd !=''">
and ucas_box_info.box_id between cast(#{boxIdBegin} as signed) and cast(# {boxIdEnd} as signed)
Convert 函数的使用与上类似。
order by 升序和降序排列显示
SQL 语句中, asc 指定列按升序排列,desc 指定列按降序排列。
排序子句语法:order by 列名 asc / desc
1、 按列 c2 的升序排列
select * from tablename order by c2 asc;
2、 按列 c2 的降序排列
select * from tablename order by c2 desc;
3、 复合排序,先按列 c1 升序排列,再按 c2 降序排列
select * from tablename order by c1 asc, c2 desc;